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Our board consists of five members, who manage everyday business, organize various events and shape our future projects. They are supported by 4 members of the extended board.

Additionally the board is in constant contact with our partners in Liechtenstein and Romania, the YANA foundation and the Liechtensteinischen Gymnasium to ensure the sustainability of our community.

As some of our members have been chosen to be Ambassadors for “One Young World” we regularly attend OYW summits and caucuses to grow our network internationally and exchange our experiences with an incredible community of young shapers and change-makers.


- Co-Presidents: Leonard Wachter und Dominik Konrad

- Treasurer: Oliver Bürzle

- Annalist: Elena Bargetze

- Events: Lara Ming

Extended board:

- Angelina Meier

- Melissa Frick

- Stefanie Hasler

- Andreas Aczel

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